I've Been On the Road

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I have been on the the road since the beginning of the year. I’ve criss-crossed the country and taught some amazing students in some great places.

In January I taught for Weavers and Spinners Society of Austin. We spun lots of color and built intentional yarns. I had students that were excited to do all the things, and one even knitted her drafted together samples into a color work swatch.

The folks in Austin showed me the town. It’s changed a lot since I lived there ten years ago, but still feels homey. I ate brisket and mole, may have bought a pair of boots, and hung out at Hill Country. There was a lot of talk about weaving over the weekend; I’ve really got the itch, now I need the time.

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I taught at Vogue Knitting Live! Those are words I never thought I’d say, and it was a blast.

My students spun a lot of fiber and asked the most detailed questions. I want to come back (maybe next year) and teach for several groups in the city and Long Island.

The marketplace was huge, it was hard to get around to see all of booths. There were displays, fashion shows, talks, and the best informal gatherings.

I wandered the city with friends. I ate a lot of pastry, went to a weaving show at the MOMA and might have bought a new fountain pen in Soho.

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Red Alder Fiber Arts Retreat was this past weekend. Red Alder is in the same space, at the same time of year that Madrona used to be, but is 100% it’s own unique event. Everyone was excited to be there, and participate to the fullest. Please check out the Red Alder account on Instagram to see the Disco for charity.

My students were curious about so many things, they spun and knit, and asked enough questions that we had to take field trips into the Marketplace to clarify fiber things.

More people poured words into my ears about weaving. I think I need to go to a weaving retreat or bootcamp next year. I spent my down time with Janine Bajus, Rebecca Mezoff, Judith Makenzie, and Clara Parkes. There’s one thing for sure, when teachers get together they plan things. I’ve got many new things coming up and slow cooking. I’ll let you know as soon as I can.

Now I need to rest a bit before I start teaching again. Be sure to check out my teaching calendar for the rest of the year, and come and take a class!