The Week Rolls On......

This week I've been busy with getting ready for our kitchen demo (remember we're redoing our kitchen?). That packed full bookcase in the photo? It's empty now. That was in our dining room, now the staging area for our kitchen remodel. Our whole house is getting shifted. I'm sharing space with Andy for office work and we're using Henry's bedroom as a big storage closet.

I even cleared out a big part of the Stash of Wonder in the basement. I decided it was finally OK to let go of some yarns that are at least 15 years old.

I found I couldn't part with one inch of any of my tweed yarns or, weirdly, brushed mohair. I filled many black bags with yarn and it was easy, until it wasn't. When I started trying to convince myself that I needed to keep yarns for weaving, I knew it was time to stop.

I've been gettingready for Madrona too (so excited!) shipping boxes of fiber and getting my samples ready. Oy, the samples. See the photo with the mighty stack of boxes? Those are all of my samples back from my publisher, but they are labeled for my book photoshoot. So I have been slowly relabeling them from something like 6-10 (chapter 6 - image 10) back to teaching words like two variegated fibers plied and blended. I've caught up on a lot of TV.

The bottom photo is me being a sunny optimist. Of course, I have time to join the Bang Out a Sweater KAL with the Mason Dixon Knitting women. I love to start projects, but this will more likely be a Squeeze Out a Sweater KAL for me!