Big Teaching Events for Early 2020

It seems like the beginning of the year has become a hot time for fiber retreats. I remember when it seemed like most events were in the fall. I’ve got three big events coming up if you want to take a class with me. Vogue Knitting Live and PLY Away are already open for registration, and Red Alder opens November 9.


February - Red Alder Fiber Retreat

I am thrilled to be teaching at the inaugural Red Alder Fiber Retreat in Tacoma, Washington. The line up of teachers is stellar, and it looks like there is a lot of fun to be had, including a disco.

I’m teaching:

Thursday: Yarnitecture : Building Exactly the Yarn You Want 

Friday: Paint the Town Red: Planning for Color in a Knitting Project

Saturday PM: Match Game: Spinning for Knitting

Sunday AM: Yarn Detective: Decoding Your Yarn for Better Knitting

Sunday PM: Light and Shadow: Hand carding Tints, Tones and Shades


April - PLY Away 5

Can you believe this is going to be the 5th PLY Away? I remember when Jacey said, ‘Hey, should we do a retreat?’

I’m teaching:


True Color: Exploring Dye Patterns In Braids

Combo (Cubed) Spinning All The Combinations


Plying For Color And Texture


Spin And Nosh


Every Yarn Has It’s Silver Lining

Spin And Nosh

If you have questions about any of the events or classes please email me. I hope I get to spin with you next year!